The Phenomenon of Momentum

The world of thought leadership in sales tends to swing on an axis between facts and feelings

What I mean by that is there’s a school of thought arguing the energy and mindset you bring into an interaction with a prospect is what determines the outcome. The other view suggests the structure and methodology you work on establishes a cadence of confidence. 

Neither view is opposed to the other. It just happens to be that certain people lean more in the former while others in the latter. 

The point is that whatever your methodology is to land a sale, the one consistent thing is momentum

Momentum does something to sales performance I cannot quantify but, without a doubt, it sets you up for success. Say you got to tackle 10, 20, 50, or 100 calls in a day — how do you keep that energy high? 

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Once you have a proper structure to make calls and are able to maintain both high energy and engagement, you need to push through your work in waves with a mindset for high momentum

The worst thing you can do for yourself, which also ruins your mindset for the next few minutes to even an hour, is to stop calling after a bad call. During this time, you’re likely to spiral and reduce your momentum. The best thing you can do after a bad call is to put distance between that call with more engaging conversations

The reason that it’s a very bad idea to stop that momentum is you start questioning the fundamentals of what you know. You start to really damage your self-confidence by asking questions such as: Am I even good enough to do this? Do I know what I’m doing? Will everyone shut me down?  

Trust your process! 

You’ve engaged with people before, you’ve closed deals in the past, and you have a structure that you are getting better at with each passing call. 

Don’t take it personally, instead take it professionally. Remember, your next win might only be one more call away. 


By Marius Royal 
Sales Development - In The Funnel